Our Organisation

The Earth Trust was incorporated as a not-for-profit Company Limited by Guarantee in Australia in 1993. It has since been registered as a charity with ACNC.

The Earth Trust’s ACN is 062 160 187.

Our Purpose

The Earth Trust exists to work for and with the Earth in ways that are respectful and responsible. It does this by…

  • establishing an enduring link between people and their living environment, by recreating a culture of giving to the Earth
  • initiating and supporting projects that bring people together to take responsibility for the care of the Earth
  • encouraging an awareness of the interdependence of all life
  • educating people in efficient and respectful ways of using the Earth’s resources with respect for the natural environment
  • researching and developing resource efficient technologies
  • restoring and protecting the living environment.

Tax Benefits

The Earth Trust was listed on the Register of Environmental Organisations in 2003. Through its public fund ‘The Earth Fund’, the Earth Trust is entitled to receive tax deductible donations under Income Assessment Act 1997 item 6.1.1 of subsection 30-55(1).

All donations over $2.00 to the Earth Trust are tax deductible. For those donating from outside Australia please check tax laws in your jurisdiction.